There has been quite a long hiatus in my posts on SeismoBunji because I have been occupied with my PhD milestones. I hope to post here more frequently as the time allows me 🙂
For my GitHub

#!/bin/bash # Try running this script from your terminal :) # Costa de Lima, T # Asking the user an important question ! echo "Have you done science today? (yes/no)" read varname if [ "$varname" == "no" ];then echo "Hum... das not good. Go do some science and come back later." else if [ "$varname" == "yes" ];then echo "Hum... Was the science good?" read var_1 if [ "$var_1" == "yes" ];then echo "Awesome! You deserve chocolate :D" else if [ "$var_1" == "no" ];then echo "That is okay. You still deserve chocolate :-)" else echo "** wrong answer **" fi fi fi fi # What if the user types something different from 'yes' or 'no'? # Think about a way that you could improve this script!